Case Study-PSAs

Our series of public service announcements (PSAs) on road safety created for the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) emphasizes the importance of wearing seat belts and helmets while driving or riding. Through three different films, we showcase the significance of road safety measures, including the use of rear seat belts. Our PSAs are impactful and aim to drive home the message of road safety to viewers.

Creating a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that captures the attention of viewers and drives home a message can be a challenging task. However, with the right concept and execution, it is possible to create a powerful and impactful PSA that resonates with the audience. This was the task that our production house, Kasbah Films, took on when we were approached by the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) to create a series of PSAs on road safety.

The Challenge

The primary challenge that we faced while creating these PSAs was the limited time and resources available. We had to shoot three different films in a single day, which meant we had to be highly organized and efficient in our approach. Additionally, we had to shoot outdoors, which added an extra layer of complexity to the project. Finding the right location that fit our vision was a daunting task, but we managed to find a suitable location that met our requirements.

Managing the crowd and actors was another challenge that we had to overcome. We had to ensure that everyone was on the same page and that the shoot was progressing smoothly without any delays. Despite these challenges, our team was determined to deliver high-quality PSAs that would drive home the importance of road safety.

The Concept

The concept behind the PSAs was to emphasize the importance of wearing seat belts and helmets while driving. We decided to create three different films, with each film focusing on a specific aspect of road safety. In the first film, we emphasised the importance of wearing a seat belt while driving. 

The second film showcased the importance of wearing helmets while riding bikes. The concept was that a boy offers a ride to a woman on his bike, but she refuses and instead chooses to ride with another man on a scooter who is wearing a helmet.

The third film emphasized the importance of rear seat belts. The driver explains to the owner in the back seat the importance of wearing a seat belt even in the rear seat, as it could save their life in the event of an accident.

The Result

Despite the challenges we faced, our team was able to create three powerful and impactful PSAs that drove home the message of road safety. The films were well received by FADA and were showcased at Auto Expo 2023 a. The PSAs garnered a lot of attention and helped create awareness about the importance of wearing seat belts and helmets while driving. 

In conclusion, creating PSAs that effectively communicate a message can be a challenging task. However, with the right concept, execution, and teamwork, it is possible to create powerful and impactful PSAs that resonate with the audience. Our experience working with FADA was a testament to this, and we are proud to have contributed to creating awareness about road safety in our own small way.